February 2, 2011

Cindy Weng / 13 years old / Union, NJ

My name is Cindy Weng. I am a middle school student in New Providence. Welcome to my world.

Since I was just a little kid, I’ve always loved three four things: art, horses, reading, and music. Of course, I have other interests as well, but these are the things that I enjoy the most. Some people wouldn’t be able to relate to the joy of drawing that first stroke on a blank canvas, taking a first step on a horse, opening a portal to another world, or hearing intricate melodies wind together to create a perfect harmony, but to the people out there can, you and I are very lucky indeed.

Art has always been special for me. From the excitement of picking out the next thing to draw, to the freedom of creating something unique, to the wonderful feeling of seeing your composition hanging on the wall for the world to see, I love it all! Even though there were, and still are, times when it’s hard to get that perfect, just right feeling, with a little help here and there I do find it. And when I do, it’s one of the most amazing things in the world.

There are people who have never even seen a horse. To think that I’ve even had the honor of riding one! Every time I hear that silver stirrup click into place, every time I run my hands over the glossy mane, every time I take the reins and actually start moving, I get an unexplainable feeling of pure ecstasy. Horses are animals that I just can’t live without.

Have you ever had that feeling, that anticipation of starting a new book and plunging into its’ universe? I hope you have, because it never gets old. My mom used to take me to the library, where I would take out as many books as the librarian would let me, and then still want to take out more. I could never get enough. People have said to me frequently, “Cindy, you read too much!” It was probably true, but I was, and still am, addicted to reading.

Music is another thing that’s always, it seemed, been a part of my life. From age five, I started taking violin lessons. About a year ago, I also added piano lessons to my schedule. Besides the joy of classical music, I also can’t live without my iPod. I take it everywhere! Even when I’m not listening to a song or playing music, there constantly is a song playing in my head. Whether I’m at school, outside with my friends, or drifting off to sleep, music is all around me.

This story of mine isn’t incredibly exciting, but I’ve lived every day of my life in happiness and bliss. I hope to continue to draw, ride, read, play music, and aspire to my dreams. Like Theodore Roosevelt once said, “Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.” And that’s exactly what I plan to do.


翁昕迪,现年13岁,在新州 New Providence 中学上7年级。才5岁多的时候,住在Bridgewater的她就开始跟许老师学画了。两年半前,昕迪搬到了 New Providence 。虽然她现在的家和上绘画课的地方离得比较远,有40分钟的车程,可她还是喜欢跟许老师学画,每个周末都坚持去上课。持之以恒,昕迪终于收获了些成果。




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