September 9, 2009

大約克畫室學生Grace He 榮獲土壤保護海報設計比賽紐澤西州第三名

Grace He 就讀蒙格瑪麗 學區3 年級, 學習繪畫時間2, 已經運用不同素材像是, 水彩, 油彩筆, 粉彩, 鉛筆素描…..等等,完成許多的作品.

此次,參加的海報設計比賽, 經歷過地區再到 ,能在短短得時間內得到這樣的成績Grace 和父母及老師都感到很高興.

每次設計海報時,許老師總要求學生, 先做數個草圖, 將想法畫出來,這樣的做法不只對設計繪畫有幫助相對對寫作也是相輔相承. 然後老師會 再一一和學生討論構圖及材料上的應用 .每張作品都是學生的心血結晶, 要有好的想法及技巧, 更要有無比的耐心來完成作品.

另外, 畫室特別向家長強調, 畫畫不是為了比賽, 更不是為了申請學校, 要先喜愛藝術, 喜愛創造, 後而因為個人專長, 幫助學生申請學校, 因為藝術作品很容易讓人了解, 學生是否有創意 有獨特性 , 更要有能夠完成作品的恆心, 不易受挫折.

但是若以申請學校為前提, 才學畫畫, 很難看到不同的風格及創造,畫面處處充滿老師或是畫室的影子, 老師也可能因為壓力或業績 (成績) 影響教受繪畫的方法. 許老師表示老師在會畫教學上的角色, 應該像是教練或是更像是啦啦隊隊長. 鼓勵大於教學, 大多數的學生都是因為喜愛畫畫而進入畫室學習, 不應該末煞那對藝術的熱愛. 藝術沒有絕對的標準, 也不應該只有一套的方法教學, 應該有很多的方法及風格 , 來展現學生的個別及獨特性.

May 27, 2009

Audrey Luo winners' for the Music, Art & Poetry competition presented by PTSA

大約克畫室 - 傑出學生Audrey Luo
榮獲音樂與藝術競賽優勝 , 本月於卡內基音樂廳演出
Audrey performed a piano solo with her drawing at the winners' recital at Weill Recital Hall at Carnegie Hall for the Music, Art &Poetry competition presented by PTSA ( The Piano Teachers Society of America )

現就讀於Warren Middle School的Audrey Luo , 一直是品學兼優的好學生 , 在加入大約克畫室學習繪畫之前, 她對於藝術的熱愛, 一直表現在鋼琴上 , 直到認識許老師, Audrey對繪畫的熱情及天份, 才被發覺出來。

學習繪畫才2年的時間, Audrey從基礎的素描及水彩開始, 對於自己的不成熟的技巧, 讓她對作品及練習怯步, 一點都不自信, 也無法從容的創作, 對色彩及創意都充滿著不確定, 在許老師的了解下, 知道Audrey對鋼琴的認識很深, 於是在指導學生時,都常舉例學琴的技巧, 來讓學生了解及應用在繪畫上,例如: 繪畫上的明暗, 像是音樂中的大小聲音, 繪畫上的主題表現及背景關係, 像是音樂上的主旋律及左手的合玄等等, 音樂及藝術有著不可分別關係, 藝術家也是音樂家的康丁斯基認為色彩,形狀和體裁與聲音和音樂有相等的意義。他的繪畫是浪漫的,而他的創作觀點,是基於直觀性搭配音樂的理論,運用數學的見解和克利的詩情,畫出一張張,綜合各大家經典的畫作。同時,康丁斯基也非常重視色彩的情感,他覺得色彩的組織是畫面構成內在的表現,好像是樂聲表現人們內心的情緒一般,有高低起伏、抑揚頓挫的節奏。

現在Audrey對於粉彩畫, 有著特別的表現, 在色彩的應用上, 像她的音樂一樣, 色彩豐富又有一定的內涵, 處處充滿了小女孩, 對未來的憧憬及幻想, 在創作的時候, 也是充滿自信, 因為繪畫就是在表現自我。接下來一年, 她將會學習油畫及更多的繪畫風格。

喜愛藝術的細胞, 一直在Audrey的身上, 這有聲的藝術 - 鋼琴, 為她帶來多項的榮譽, 一年內得過的多次獎項, 但她仍擁有中國人的謙虛品德, 深受師長的喜愛, 平日喜愛閱讀的她, 也在寫作上表現突出, 有興趣欣賞Audrey 更多的繪畫作品及英文簡介可至 。

Ruthie Gu 獲 母親節賀卡設計比賽 第一名

今年的母親節賀卡設計比賽,畫室6歲學生Ruthie Gu,榮獲第一名,
Stephanie Zhou,Alicia Zhao, Catherine Dai獲佳作。

6歲學生Ruthie Gu / watercolor

Stephanie Zhou

Alicia Zhao

Catherine Dai

May 7, 2009

Durpri Lin / age:14 / Drawing solo show at York art studio of Bridgewter ~~ from April 20 to May 28

Durpri has always enjoyed drawing. In the beginning, she tried watercolor and colored pencil but felt as though her interest lies in sketching. She started out sketching flowers, people, and stationary but soon realized that she enjoys sketching animals the most.

Her pictures range through many different types of animals. The sizes of the animals also vary, depending on the animal and how it looks on paper.

Her other hobbies include playing the piano and violin. She has received many rewards in piano competitions, and she is also a member of Greater Princeton Youth Orchestra (GPYO). She enjoys playing different types of sports, particularly running for her school track team.

大約克畫室學生- 林德珮

林德珮從小很喜歡畫圖. 開始的時候, 她學畫水彩和色筆畫, 在學習的過程中,發覺得素描很有意思很吸引她. 而在主題方面,從花卉, 人物, 和靜態的物體學習起, 到現在的動物.

在畫動物的時候,德珮覺得很有挑戰, 動物的形狀, 大小也會隨著不同的總類而改變. 她不畫背景, 因為她要觀看者專心主題. 動物的結構組織也很多樣化, 她也最喜歡畫毛絨絨的動物, 因為她喜歡畫毛的質地, 在做這樣的畫作時,需要特別的耐心和觀察力.

就讀蒙格馬力初中的林德珮, 還有很多不同的興趣, 例如:彈鋼琴和拉小提琴都很拿手, 也得了不少的獎項, 課餘還加入了普林斯頓的青少年交響樂團. 她更喜歡各種不同的運動, 是學校裡田徑隊的短跑選手. 閒暇的時候, 她自己喜歡跳跳舞和做手工的東西.

能在繁忙的學習中,持之以恆,累積出這樣的成績,令人高興. 畫展將持續展出, 至本月31日, 350 Grove St. Bridgewater NJ 08807歡迎參觀. 請電908-392-0998 許老師

January 29, 2009

January 26, 2009

Grace Chen / age: 12

Grace is a twelve-year-old sixth-grader. Her favorite medium is pencil sketching, especially pictures of natural scenes. Besides art class, she also enjoys ballet, swimming, reading, and music. Grace lives in Bridgewater with her family.

January 15, 2009

Audrey / age: 13 / Bridgewater NJ

She is an 8th grader attending Warren Middle School. She has been studying with Ms. Hsu since 6th grade. She is currently working with soft pastels and charcoal- they're a whole different world from watercolor and sketching. Soft pastels is her favorite medium to draw with.

She started her piano when she was 5. For the past five years, she has been studying with Mrs. Tomoko Harada in Basking Ridge , New Jersey . Among her accomplishments, Audrey was a winner of the Piano teachers Society of America Competition and American Fine Arts Festival Competition which resulted her to perform at Weill Recital Hall at Carnegie Hall. She was also a finalist in the Alberti International Piano Competition. She received the third prize winner of the Steinway Society Scholarship Competition as well as receiving Elenore Statmore Award from Federation Music Club Gifted Student Competition. For the past five consecutive years, she has received the highest rank of High Honors from NJMTA Annual Recital Auditions.

Besides learning piano, Audrey is an avid reader and loves writing. She participates cross country and track at school, and enjoys singing, participating in the school chorus. Audrey was also a SHY (Somerset Hills YMCA) competitive swim team member for 4 years, and danced for 5 years.