May 7, 2009

Durpri Lin / age:14 / Drawing solo show at York art studio of Bridgewter ~~ from April 20 to May 28

Durpri has always enjoyed drawing. In the beginning, she tried watercolor and colored pencil but felt as though her interest lies in sketching. She started out sketching flowers, people, and stationary but soon realized that she enjoys sketching animals the most.

Her pictures range through many different types of animals. The sizes of the animals also vary, depending on the animal and how it looks on paper.

Her other hobbies include playing the piano and violin. She has received many rewards in piano competitions, and she is also a member of Greater Princeton Youth Orchestra (GPYO). She enjoys playing different types of sports, particularly running for her school track team.

大約克畫室學生- 林德珮

林德珮從小很喜歡畫圖. 開始的時候, 她學畫水彩和色筆畫, 在學習的過程中,發覺得素描很有意思很吸引她. 而在主題方面,從花卉, 人物, 和靜態的物體學習起, 到現在的動物.

在畫動物的時候,德珮覺得很有挑戰, 動物的形狀, 大小也會隨著不同的總類而改變. 她不畫背景, 因為她要觀看者專心主題. 動物的結構組織也很多樣化, 她也最喜歡畫毛絨絨的動物, 因為她喜歡畫毛的質地, 在做這樣的畫作時,需要特別的耐心和觀察力.

就讀蒙格馬力初中的林德珮, 還有很多不同的興趣, 例如:彈鋼琴和拉小提琴都很拿手, 也得了不少的獎項, 課餘還加入了普林斯頓的青少年交響樂團. 她更喜歡各種不同的運動, 是學校裡田徑隊的短跑選手. 閒暇的時候, 她自己喜歡跳跳舞和做手工的東西.

能在繁忙的學習中,持之以恆,累積出這樣的成績,令人高興. 畫展將持續展出, 至本月31日, 350 Grove St. Bridgewater NJ 08807歡迎參觀. 請電908-392-0998 許老師

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